Spill the Beans

Spill the Beans is a fun little game to help you practice your letters! Find some beans – Lima Beans work the best. Write a letter of the alphabet on each bean, with the capital on one side and the lowercase on the other side.

Place the beans in a small cup or container, something that you can dump them out of. Print the Spill the Beans page, and then you are ready to begin!

Spill a few beans out of the cup. If they are capital letters, place them on the capital page. If they are lowercase letters, place them on the lowercase page. Continue to spill beans and place them on the correct page until all of the beans are gone. Which page got the most beans?

You can cut the pages apart and play with a friend. See who gets the most beans at the end! Now, make the game harder: You can’t take the bean to put on your page unless you can name the letter. Say each letter name as you match the bean to the page.

Need another challenge? Now say the letter name AND the sound the letter makes. Can you say all of the letter names and sounds?

Still need a challenge? Okay, now say the letter name, the sound, AND a word that starts with that letter!

If you don’t have beans at home that will work, you can make the same game with pennies. Place a sticker or small piece of tape on each side of a penny and write the letters on it. You are ready to play!

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