Chalk Walk

Here is a great activity to get you outside and having fun! All you need is a piece of chalk and a little creativity! (If you don’t have chalk or need to do it indoors, try masking tape!)

What you are going to do is use the chalk to create a walking path, or obstacle course. You can make it any way you want, but here are some ideas to get you going:

Try drawing different shapes of lines to walk on. You can make straight lines, curvy lines, zig-zag lines, or even loop-the-loop. For an added challenge, you can walk, run, gallop, skip, or hop on the lines!

Another good things to add to your Chalk Walk is a simple hopscotch grid. Include the numbers and call out the numbers as you land on them.

A frog jump section can add some fun to your walk! Give yourself two circles for your feet and try to frog jump to each set of circles.

I like to include places to stop and complete a task. Stop and hop 5x. Stop and clap 10x. Stop and spin around. Stop and sing the ABCs. Stop and rub your belly while patting your head. The options are endless! What could you include in your “stop” spaces?

Jumping on the alphabet can be a nice addition to your walk too! Put the alphabet letters in circles and jump to each circle. Can you name the letters? The sounds? A word that starts with that sound? Mix up the letters so that it is more of a challenge!

What else can you think of to add to your Chalk Walk? I would love to hear more ideas!

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